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A Guide to Celebrity Religions


Many people adore celebrities whether they have the same religious beliefs of not. Some celebrities portray religious personalities in their film even though they don't believe in the Bible stories themselves. We have religious movies come out every now and then including the Ten Commandments, Noah, The Passion of the Christ, etc. with celebrities playing the roles of very religious people in the movie. Somehow you would think that they believe in the roles they play but most of them are simply acting them out. IF you check out celebrity religions you will be amazed at the many different types of beliefs that these celebrities have which can be summarized in the following categories.


You will find many celebrity faiths who don't believe in any God. These celebrities suppress the knowledge of God in their lives. They think that we came into being just like a big bang. These people don't acknowledge God for their success and they thank themselves for their sheer abilities.


There are successful celebrities that put themselves  higher than God. These better-than-God celebrities think that God is not able to do more than they can. Their view of God is very small. Most of these think that God does not really care about people and they attribute their successes to their own hard labor.


There are other celebrities who believe in other religions aside from the Christian religion. There are Jewish celebrities, Buddhists, Muslims and other religions that are not the same as Christianity as we know it. These people worship the gods of their religions. There are celebrities of this kind. To read more be sure to click here!


There are celebrities who are not known to be religious but actually are. Religious activities make up their private lives but they don't make it known in public. The don't openly talk about their religion and prefer it to be a private matter.


Some celebrities are outright blasphemers. These celebrities talk about God as a weak God who doesn't care for those who are suffering, and someone who is not as popular as they are. They don't care about this God, they even think that God has no power to thwart their plans. Celebrities have suffered grave consequences as a result of their blasphemous words against God. People who believed so much in their plans that they think God has no power to thwart it found the reverse to be true. For further knowledge click here at


There are many Catholic believers. You can find a few Bible-believing Christians as celebrities.

It is great to know that your celebrity idol has the same religious beliefs as you have. It is only in the future that we will know whose religion was right and whose was wrong.

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